Aloe distans

Origin and Habitat: It is a coastal species and grows just north of Cape Agulhas, to the east of Cape Town (from Bredasdorp to the Riversdale area)

Habitat: In nature it gets most of its rain in winter or summer 14.8 in (375 mm). Grows on koppies, rocky ridges and slopes in clay in stony ground

Description: It is a compact, stemless rosette succulent. It has a warty appearance and can get nice and pink in the winter, it's however a variable plant. Forms compact mounds up to 40 cm in diameter with10 or more rosettes.
Rosettes: Very compact 8-10 cm in diameter with leaves that build up on each other to about 30cm tall. It suckers very close to 'mother' plant.
Leaves: 6 cm long and 2 cm wide at base, pale waxy blue-green or grey, fat, triangular, sharp toothed with little soft white teeth. The spines can line the back of the leaves, but rarely on the front. In full sun they take on tinges of purple and pink. The sap is clear.
Flowers: Bears typically tubular Aloe flowers, yellow to scarlet in many shades. The inflorescence is unbranched 40 cm tall with a conical raceme.
Flowering season: March through May.

Notes: This species is often used in crosses since it's so durable and prolific.

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Cultivation and Propagation: This is is considered a Dwarf Aloe. Likes a very well drained soil in partial sun, but the leaves are more colourful in full sun. It is one of the more cold and moisture tolerant aloes. It can also took the rainy periods fine too without becoming mushy and dying. Frost resistant, min temp 25°F (-4°C). Prefers alkaline soil.
Use: In warm climates it can be massed for use as a ground cover, or used as a clump amongst other plants. Because of its size it makes a excellent edging plant in the dry garden. It also does well as a potted specimen.
Propagation: Seeds and offsets. It is easily rooted in potting soil with warmth.

"Aloe distans" Text available under a CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution License. 14 Nov. 2005. 07 Mar 2021. </Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Aloaceae/599/Aloe_distans>

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